
Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content on this archive page represents a historical snapshot and may contain information that is out of date or no longer applicable. As part of our commitment to maintaining a comprehensive record of our development and updates, we have preserved these pages for reference. However, please note that over time, external links may become broken, and some information could become obsolete. We recommend consulting our current website or contacting us directly for the most up-to-date information regarding our products and services.

2018 Archive
19/09/2018 Integration and EDI Case Studies
19/09/2018 Statelake Integration Platform
19/09/2018 Training and Support for Statelake
24/10/2018 Flow Software | Integration software for the Logistic and Distribution Sector
29/10/2018 Statelake – Application Integration Software | Flow Software
29/10/2018 Statelake EDI Integrations | Flow Software
29/10/2018 API’s – Easily Publish & Consume with Statelake | Flow Software
29/10/2018 Statelake Integration Connections | Flow Software
29/01/2018 EDI Guide | Why is Integration Important | Real Life Integration Examples
29/01/2018 Flow Software | Passionate about Great Integration Software
31/01/2018 Testimonials | Hermpac | Kings Seeds | European Motor Distributors | Connect NZ | Hall’s Refrigerated Transport
13/11/2018 Flow Software | Integration for the E-Commerce Sector
13/11/2018 Flow Software | Integration for the Distribution Sector
13/11/2018 Flow Software | Integration software for the FMCG Sector
13/11/2018 Flow Software | Integration software for the Services Sector
13/11/2018 Flow Software | Integration software for the Manufacturing Sector

2021 Archive
13/05/2021 EDI- Guide | End-to-end business automation with electronic data interchange

2022 Archive
16/03/2022 Get Connected | Specialised Integration | Logistics and supply chain business connections
23/05/2022 SureSend | NZ Post Label Printing
02/06/2022 SureSend NZ Post Primary Label Printing Solution
02/06/2022 SureSend | NZ Post | Failsafe Label Printing Solution

2023 Archive
19/01/2023 Flow Software | News | Statelake Integration Solutions
16/02/2023 Flow Software | Flow Software and Statelake Integration Solutions History
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake | Applications ERP
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake App Integration | Aftership,Cegid, Clickpos, Erply, Mainfreigth, Informix, isell, retailexpress
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake Logistsics App Integration | UPS | Toll | Kerry Logistics | DHL | Manhattan Associates
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake EDI Connections | Briscoes | Fonterra | Coles | Farmers | ITM | Kmart| Ingram | Carters
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake CRM Sales Connections | AutoPlay | SalesForce | SalesLogix | Microsoft Dynamics CRM
09/03/2023 Flow Software | Statelake Ecommerce Integration | Aftership | Bigcommerce | Mailchimp | Shopify | Magento
16/03/2023 Flow Software Team | David Masters | Michael Riley | Craig Bennett | Andrew Glasson | Jason Mallia